Exxon continues appraisal of Haimara gas discovery

ExxonMobil continues drilling at the Haimara-3 well, appraising its Haimara-1 gas discovery of 2019.

Guyana’s Maritime Administration Department (MARAD) said the Stena Carron rig will be engaged in drilling at the Stabroek Block, with the operation set to conclude by December 31, 2024.

Previous drilling at the well was conducted in July with the Stena DrillMAX, and in September with the Noble Sam Croft.

Exxon has also conducted drilling at Haimara-4 earlier this year.

Haimara-1 was Exxon’s 12th Guyana discovery. Exxon shifted focus this year to understanding the extent of the natural gas resource at Stabroek, suggesting that the Haimara field could form the basis of Guyana’s first standalone gas development.

Exxon is expected to advise Guyana on a potential gas project in 2025.

Outgoing Upstream President Liam Mallom said earlier this month that the company’s objective is to fully develop all the discovered resources, including gas.

The Stabroek Block is operated by ExxonMobil with a 45% stake, with co-venturers Hess (30%) and CNOOC (25%). Exxon has discovered approximately 11 billion barrels of oil equivalent since its first commercial find in 2015.

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