Argenfrio S.A.I.C. established in 1977 dedicated to the manufacture of a complete line of heat exchangers directed to domestic and foreign market.
We work under the toughest international standards, also having asme stamp, national board and ISO 9001-2015 applied to the manufacture and repair of air coolers, air heaters, shell and tubes, finned tubes, spiral, gasketed, brazed and welded plate exchangers. Our product line is completed with international representations as evapco inc., semco equipamentos, tranter inc. and swep int.
Facilities and Services
- Aerocapacitors for cogeneration or convoked cycle closure
- Air Coolers
- Air heaters
- Capacitors
- Circular serpetines
- Coil plate and Econocoil
- Coolers and evaporative condensers
- Cooling towers erected
- Economizers
- Exchangers to welded plates
- Finned tubes
- Heat exchangers
- Plate heat exchangers
- Pressure vessels
- Retubado de intercambiadores

Argenfrio S.A.I.C.
Dreyfus (Diagonal 48) 5951
San Martín, Buenos Aires (B1650FFC)
Tel: (+54) 11 4750-0734 / (+54) 11 5365-8491