Sudamerica Inspection Services S.R.L. is an inspection, auditing, testing, certification and training organization. We are focused on guaranteeing that the legal and regulatory obligations, notmatives as well as the standards themselves, are met at all stages in production as well as in projects or processes. Our industrial services achieve technical solutions, reduce risks, quality control and quantity, safe work, detection of defects on time, competitiveness, reduce direct and indirect costs; providing added value that helps keep growth strategies under control.
Facilities and Services
- Environment service
- Health and safety at work
- In company control of sand production, nodal analysis, etc
- In company training operation with coiled tubing, hydraulic fracture, etc
- In company training safe lifting equipment and road equipment
- Inspection and certification lifting equipment and road equipment
- Inspection of containers submitted at pressure
- Management inspection of works and projects
- Non destructive testing
- Pre shipment inspection
- Study of materials and structures
- Technical inspection
- Training in company hydraulic calculations for intervention and completion of wells

Sudamerica Inspection Services S.R.L.
Belgrano 126, Oficina 301
San Isidro, Buenos Aires (B1642DJD)
Tel: 5411-5368-0123