Load cells and accessories

Located for more than 30 years in San Martín, Province of Buenos Aires, Flexar is a company dedicated to the development, manufacture and sale of load cells and electronic indicators for, floor scales, tanks, hoppers, weighing in motion, trucks, trailer weighing, commercial; with clients in Argentina, Latin America and the rest of the world who guarantee the quality and reliability of the products. Attentive to the current times, Flexar proposes itself as a comprehensive provider of technologies, in philosophical harmony with what is called Industry 4.0, always looking to the future through the concept of the Internet of Things.

Facilities and Services

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Flexar S.R.L.
Santa Marta 1456
Villa Maipú, Gral. San Martín. Buenos Aires (B1509LJD)
Tel: (+54 9 11) 3384 4913

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