Metallurgical Indemet S.A. is a company focused on designing and manufacturing process equipment for the oil and gas industries. Such equipment aremanufactured entirely in our own facilities delivered with instrumentation, control and communication system. The design and manufacture are made by applying international standards with qualified procedures in permanent control of our quality management system (ISO 9001: 2008 no. Aro234931). With years of experience working in industry o & g, indemet has specialized in oil / gas collectors, trifasic and bifasic separators, free water, knock out drums vessels, production and injection bridges, regulation and measurement units and well testing equipment, separators and desanders, etc.
Facilities and Services
- 2 or 3-phase separator
- Desanders
- Detailed engineering
- Free Water Separators
- Gas regulation and measurement skids
- Knock Out
- Metallic structures
- Oil and gas collectors
- Piping
- Pressure vessels
- Production and injection bridges
- Static equipment and process modules
- Tanks
- Welltesting separator

Indemet S.A.
Calle 24 n° 3060
Mercedes, Buenos Aires (6600)
Tel: 54 2324 421126 / 435534