Petroplastic S.A. Manufactures and sales GRE pipes (glass reinforced epoxy): casing, tubing, line pipe and fittings. It also counts with field services related with these products Petroplastic has a large experience and more than 20 years working in the oil upstream market. GRE pipes are a solution for problems due to corrosive elements, fluids and environments. From its industrial plant in Junín de los Andes, Neuquén province, Argentina, Petroplastic manufactures its products under control and management quality systems according to recognized international standards guidelines.
Facilities and Services
- Casing in ERFV (Epoxi Reinforced with Fiberglass) for Injector Wells
- Casing in ERFV (Epoxi Reinforced with Fiberglass) for Produce Wells
- Casing in ERFV (Epoxi Reinforced with Fiberglass) for Sinkholes
- ERFV tubing(Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy) for casing of wells with corroded steel casing.
- Piping for conduction lines. Low and medium pressure from 2" to 10", in erfv (epoxi reinforced with glass fiber)
- Piping for medium and high pressure injection lines in erfv from 2" to 10" (epoxi reinforced with glass fiber).

Petroplastic S.A.
Carlos Pellegrini 989, Piso 1
CABA, Buenos Aires (C1009ABS)
Tel: (+54 11) 4328-6414/8495 / 4393-1389