Siscon Industry is an argentine company that since 2001 combines its knowledge in engineering for the execution of projects, services and provision of products in the electrical, mechanical, civil, instrumentation, automation and telemetry areas. In the last years we have obtained a vast experience in a wide range of industrial installations mainly in the oil area.
Facilities and Services
- Construction and electromechanical assembly service
- Construction of light and heavy metal structures (Stairs, walkways, etc.)
- Construction of welded steel lines
- Construction service and mechanical assembly
- Construction site service and pipe/piping assembly. Pipe coating and painting.
- Mechanical adjustments in Separatos
- Tanks assembly

Siscon Industry S.R.L.
Hipólito Yrigoyen Nº 3205
Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut (9000)
Tel: (0297) 448-1382 / 2068